速報APP / 懷孕與育兒 / GeoLocator Parental Control. Child Safet

GeoLocator Parental Control. Child Safet





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:57B Surganova str. Suite 116 Minsk, Belarus

GeoLocator Parental Control. Child Safety Location(圖1)-速報App

Parental Control & Child Safety Location + baby monitor by GeoLocator is the smartphone app that helps to monitoring your child movements every day, and helps informed of the locations. With Parental Control & Child Safety Location + baby monitor by GeoLocator you can see on the map where your child is. If you always want to find my kids, just install the app.

Parental Control & Child Safety Location + baby monitor by GeoLocator is a hybrid self-learning system that prevents false alerts in places where GPS is not available.


✓ Accuracy in monitoring

✓ No chaotic movements of markers on the map

✓ Low energy life consumption

✓ Minimum radius of safety zones

GeoLocator Parental Control. Child Safety Location(圖2)-速報App

✓ Without registration

✓ 360 days a year life support

Parental Control & Child Safety Location + baby monitor by GeoLocator allows determining the location of a child with a maximum accuracy to monitoring the safety.


✓ Always know where your child is

✓ Exchange messages in your own chat

✓ Monitoring safety of your child and receive real-time notifications

GeoLocator Parental Control. Child Safety Location(圖3)-速報App

✓ Be aware of entering and leaving safety zones by your child

✓ Receive notifications of low battery voltage of your child's phone

✓ Call your child back home by one touch

✓ Call your child not quitting the app

✓ History movement of your child

✓ Create a route to the location of your child with the help of the navigation system

✓ Install a child mode on your child’s smartphone

GeoLocator Parental Control. Child Safety Location(圖4)-速報App

✓ Connect the web version and watch your child directly from the desktop

✓ Baby Monitor. You can listen to what is happening around your child. For example, to find out what your nanny is doing at home with your child or how the teacher talks to your child at school. And maybe you have suspicions that your child is involved a bad company? The best way to find out about this, just does not exist! You can also answer the child through the speakerphone, if necessary

✓ Ability to turn off silent mode for your child when calling from an app

✓ Walkie Talkie. Turn your phone into a walkie talkie! The new function works like a regular walkie talkie, but via the Internet. Conversations with the help of a walkie talkie are fascinating and almost as fast as real communication.

All you need is an Android smartphone with the installed Parental Control & Child Safety Location + baby monitor by GeoLocator app.

Who uses the Parental Control & Child Safety Location + baby monitor by GeoLocator app?

Parents whose children aged 5—17 walk in the city streets to a kindergarten, school, etc.

GeoLocator Parental Control. Child Safety Location(圖5)-速報App

For proper work of the Parental Control & Child Safety Location + baby monitor by GeoLocator app you should activate:

✓ Internet connection

✓ Location Services (GPS)

✓ Wi-Fi Scan

The Internet is required for transmitting location data and receiving notifications.

Important! Your child should be aware of the installed and launched Parental Control & Child Safety Location + baby monitor by GeoLocator app on the device and should agree to be monitoring.

Tip! We recommend you to disable notifications on your child's smartphone to avoid distraction in school.

GeoLocator Parental Control. Child Safety Location(圖6)-速報App

The app consumes battery energy in an economical way so it can be used all day long, nevertheless, like any applications of GPS, the battery life decreases a little bit. If you always want to find my kids, just install the app.

In future:

✓ Statistics of using other applications in time, both in and outside the zones

✓ Ability to automatically turn on and off the silent mode of the smartphone in zones

✓ Google Home support

Your reviews are very important for us!

Please send your offers upon possible improvements and new functions to:

GeoLocator Parental Control. Child Safety Location(圖7)-速報App

q @geoloc.app

geozilla @geoloc.app

Your cooperation will be appreciated,

GeoLoc team.

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